





作者:   发布时间:2025年03月09日    浏览量:13   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2025-03-09

翻译:国际海事信息网 檀智 张运鸿


        挪威技术提供商Kongsberg Maritime赢得了一份合同,将瑞典渡轮运输公司Öresundlinjen运营的双头汽车渡轮转换为零排放电池供电的运营方式。


        据透露,该船是111.2米长的MF Hamlet,服务于丹麦赫尔辛格和瑞典赫尔辛堡之间的航线,横跨厄勒海峡北部和最窄的部分,被认为是“世界上最繁忙”的国际汽车渡轮航线之一。




        根据Kongsberg的说法,改装任务定于2025年11月在瑞典的Øresund Drydocks进行,但该船预计将于3月在夏季和即将到来的舾装之前的预定维护停靠期间访问船厂进行准备工作。


        Kongsberg的工作范围据说包括为船安装大型电池组,通过在每个推进器上安装永磁体(PM)电机,将MF Hamlet的四个US 3001可控俯仰方位推进器改造为电动操作。据了解,渡轮将保留现有的柴油发动机作为备用。




        此外,这家总部位于挪威的技术公司表示,它将提供一个能源、自动化和控制包,包括一个主配电盘的接口,将K-Chief 600改装为带有能源管理系统的新K-Chief系统,并实施M-con推进器控制。




        Kongsberg表示,储能系统将由瑞典海事电池系统供应商Echandia提供,而Øresund Drydocks将负责机械转换。


        除此之外,丹麦工程公司SH Group预计将建造和安装甲板室,并确保电缆布线“正确”,新设备“按计划”安装和布线。


        Kongsberg Maritime海运、集成和能源售后市场销售主管Martin Kjøraas分享了他对这一发展的看法,并总结道:“Öresundlinjen、船厂和所有子供应商之间的持续合作在项目准备阶段非常出色,我们期待着这一转变将对环境和这条繁忙的渡轮航线的效率产生积极影响。”




Norwegian technology provider Kongsberg Maritime has won a contract to convert a double-ended car ferry operated by Swedish ferry transportation company Öresundlinjen to emission-free battery-powered operation.


As disclosed, the vessel in question is the 111.2-meter-long MF Hamlet, which services the route between Helsingør, Denmark, and Helsingborg, Sweden, across the northern and narrowest part of the Øresund strait, considered to be one of the ‘world’s busiest’ international car ferry routes.


The project’s goal is described as an ambition to ‘achieve zero emissions and enable fully electric battery-powered operation with mechanical propulsion redundancy.’


Per Kongsberg, the conversion task is slated for November 2025 at Øresund Drydocks in Sweden, but the vessel is expected to visit the yard in March during scheduled maintenance docking for preparation work before the summer season and the upcoming outfitting.


The scope of Kongsberg’s work is said to consist of fitting the ship with large battery packs, rebuilding MF Hamlet’s four US 3001 Controllable Pitch azimuth thrusters to electric operation by installing permanent magnet (PM) motors on each thruster. It is understood that the ferry will keep existing diesel engines as backup.


As informed, the car ferry will charge its batteries shoreside, connecting to the currently available charging robots.


Moreover, the Norway-based technology player said it would provide an energy, automation and control package, comprising an interface for the main switchboard, retrofitting the K-Chief 600 to the new K-Chief system with an energy management system, and implementing the M-con thruster control.


Company representatives highlighted that plans are underway to also install Kongsberg’s auto-crossing and auto-docking solutions that automate transit and harbour maneuvers.


Energy storage systems, according to Kongsberg, are going to be provided by Swedish maritime battery system supplier Echandia, while Øresund Drydocks will handle the mechanical conversion.


In addition to this, Denmark’s engineering firm SH Group is anticipated to create and install deck houses and make sure that cabling is routed ‘correctly’ and that the new equipment is installed and wired “as planned.”


Sharing his thoughts regarding this development, Martin Kjøraas, Head of Aftermarket Sales Seaborne, Integration and Energy at Kongsberg Maritime, concluded: “The continuous collaboration between Öresundlinjen, the yard, and all sub-suppliers has been exceptional in the project preparation phase, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact this conversion will have on the environment and the efficiency of this busy ferry route.”
