





作者:   发布时间:2022年06月12日    浏览量:566   字体大小:  A+   A- 


来源:Offshore Energy 2022-06-10
翻译:国际海事信息网 赵扬捷 张运鸿
        芬兰能源公司Gasgrid和Fortum一致同意在Fortum的Inkoo港口装置芬兰的第一个浮式液化天然气终端,即FSRU Exemplar。
        芬兰经济事务部长Mika Lintilä说:“对我们的经济来说,浮式液化天然气终端确保了我们行业的天然气供应,这一点很重要。下一步是按计划进行,让港口做好准备。”
        芬兰天然气集团首席执行官奥利—西皮莱(Olli Sipilä)说:“该项目对于波罗的海地区的天然气供应的安全是绝对有必要的——因此也是极其紧迫的。我很高兴在如此快的时间内就决定了码头的位置。Inkoo港口为该船提供了一个绝佳的位置,可涵盖整个波罗的海地区对天然气的需求。”
        Fortum公司首席执行官Markus Rauramo说:“Inkoo港口位于我们退役的煤电厂所在地,为该国的第一个浮式液化天然气码头提供了可以使用的基础设施和最佳位置。在未来,我们的计划是进一步发展该地的工业活动,使其能够为社会的去碳化做出贡献。”
        FSRU Exemplar号长291米,宽43米。它的容积约为15.1万立方米,可储存约6.8万吨的液化天然气。
Finland’s first FSRU to be placed at Fortum’s Inkoo port
Finnish energy companies Gasgrid and Fortum have agreed on placing Finland’s first floating LNG terminal, the FSRU Exemplar, at Fortum’s Inkoo port.
Inkoo is a deep-water port located on the Southern Coast of Finland. It is in close proximity to the pipelines distributing the gas mainly to industrial end-users in the Baltic region. The goal of this development is mainly to enable independence from Russian pipeline gas. Russian gas supplies through the Imatra entry point have been stopped in May.
Finland’s Gasgrid is leasing the floating LNG terminal vessel from Excelerate Energy for a duration of 10 years. It aims to have the terminal available already next winter. The vessel’s capacity is sufficient for the gas needs of both Finland and Estonia.
“It is important for our economy that the floating LNG terminal ensures the gas supply of our industry. The next step is to stay on schedule and get the port ready,” said Mika Lintilä, minister for economic affairs of Finland.
”The vessel project is absolutely essential for the security of supply of natural gas in the Baltic region – and therefore extremely urgent. I’m pleased that the decision on the location of the terminal was made in such fast schedule. As the need for the terminal covers the entire Baltic Sea region, Inkoo provides an excellent location for the vessel,” said Olli Sipilä, CEO of Gasgrid Finland.
”Our Inkoo port is located on the site of our decommissioned coal power plant and provides nearly ready-to-use infrastructure and an optimal location for the country’s first floating LNG terminal. In the future, our plan is to further develop industrial activity on the site, so that it can contribute to the decarbonisation of society,” said Fortum’s CEO Markus Rauramo.
Fortum’s Inkoo port is accessible by a suitable sea lane, has a ready-to-use pier, is in close proximity to the Balticconnector pipeline between Finland and Estonia, and is available at short notice. Furthermore, Inkoo has undergone the necessary environmental impact assessments already in 2014 and 2015.
In addition to Inkoo, Gasgrid Finland and the Estonian electricity and gas transmission system operator Elering continue to develop a potential site in Estonia, as originally planned.
The FSRU Exemplar is 291 meters long and 43 meters wide. It has a volume of approximately 151,000 cubic meters, corresponding to approximately 68,000 tonnes of LNG.
